Tuesday 9 February 2010

"The Short"

Firstly I really pleased we are working with some cracking high end cameras, in the past I have worked with Sony Z1's and Z5's. It does however feel good to behind the camera again as I haven't really done much camera work in the past year. 

My partner for this project was Dylan, on our free day we called each other and exchanged ideas and slept on them. On Thursday after our intro to the cameras, we discussed our ideas and came up with "Monies Life". In the titles it had to have the word "Life" in it. We then discussed what scenes we could have and did a little research, (Good old Wikipeidia).

The idea behind "Monies Life" was that money is universal and us humans can't live without it, we depend on money. Life would be so much different if we didn't have money, just imagine the advances we would have if we didn't have to pay for anything, things would progress without having to worry about funding.

I had forgotten how long 3 mins is to fill and I found it difficult to think about ideas to expand the film in time for the deadline, but we managed to get on with it. The titles and credits was easy to do with Powerpoint and just pointing the camera at the computer screen. We did however try a bit of stop motion but I couldn't get my head around how to go about it, (I think a bit more playing around and research will help).

I think the idea was sound, but wished I spent a bit more time to get the finished product the best it could of been. However, with the time being short it went well as it could of.

1 comment:


I thought this was a well conceived piece. Very surprising. Make it your business to get to know the cameras more. I can only show you so much. good start!